Baby Gawrsh Mural

A view for Baby Gawrsh

As many of you know (well if you don’t you know now) Sandra and I are having a baby, and she’s gonna be here soon.  We can’t wait to meet her.20150127_163807A few weeks ago, Sandra had to go off island on a business trip.  She had left me ONE ‘honey do’ list item to complete before she came back, and that was…. paint the bedroom.  We don’t have a lot of space in our house, so initially, Baby Gawrsh will be living in our bedroom with us, and well the walls could use some paint.  So as soon as I dropped Sandra at the airport, I raced home to paint the bedroom, and managed to get it banged out in a couple of hours.  But after I finished, I thought, no kid of mine will just stare at blank walls… So I decided to paint a ‘quick’ mural for her.  Our walls aren’t smooth, so it was a little trickier than I had anticipated, and I had to race against Sandras short, 4 day business trip. But after a few hours of sketching and painting every night after work, I got the mural finished.  I hope she likes it.


oh… and BOOM! I even put the crib together.  heheh


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